Since talking to Mia Hansen-Løve last October, we've known her follow-up to this year's Eden would be The Future, which emerged, in her own words, as "a scr...
Taking this year's great New York Film Festival lineup another step further is their just-announced "Spotlight on Documentary" selection, the majority of wh...
Since any New York City cinephile has a nearly suffocating wealth of theatrical options, we figured it’d be best to compile some of the more worthwhile repe...
The shameful box-office failure of Michael Mann's unique and thrilling Blackhat will not kill his career -- not if Christian Bale has anything to say about it. ...
Bong Joon-ho's work encompass so many ideas, mindsets, and moods that they seem to have been made by someone with a reserve of great passion and, most importantly, knowledge. ...
While watching The Mend, the debut feature from writer-director John Magary, I was often reminded of a favorite point from Roger Ebert’s review of Pulp Fiction....
From his years shooting and directing features, most notably under the guidance of Wong Kar-wai, Christopher Doyle's developed a love and eye for Hong Kong ...
With the help of Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram, and, well, just about any social-media platform, U.S. citizens have never been more aware of police b...
If you know much of anything about the current film climate, you know that releases can easily get screwed up. Things might go years without receiving any n...
Taxi, the third film Jafar Panahi has directed under the cloud of a 20-year, Iran-sanctioned filmmaking ban, seized worldwide attention upon earning the Gol...