Following their gala selections of Richard Linklater's Last Flag Flying, Todd Haynes' Wonderstruck, and Woody Allen's Wonder Wheel, the New York Film Festiv...
At this year's Cannes Film Festival, Juliette Binoche led a bit of a departure for Claire Denis with the romantic dramedy Let the Sunshine In (our review). ...
The Criterion Collection has unveiled their October 2017 line-up, and it's a doozy. Leading the pack is Stanley Kubrick's masterpiece Barry Lyndon, which un...
With a cast that puts any superhero ensemble to shame, Martin Scorsese has officially finalized his lineup for his upcoming gangster epic The Irishman. Afte...
With Cannes having wrapped up last month (see our favorites), our first glimpse at the fall festival slate has arrived. The New York Film Festival, now in i...
A chauvinistic goofball attempting to undermine the female population might strike a little too much of a chord in today's age, but a new sports dramedy dep...
After making one of the best films of the decade with Carol, Todd Haynes quickly followed it up with Wonderstruck, which marks a departure in intended demog...
Ahead of its premiere in competition at the Cannes Film Festival and a theatrical release in June, Focus Features have unveiled a new trailer for The Beguil...
Two of Italy's most-praised directors currently working are moving forward with their next films. First up, Paolo Sorrentino, following his stint into telev...
It was around this time last year that we learned Noah Baumbach secretly started shooting his next film, following Mistress America and his documentary De P...
After graduating from Hampshire College with a degree in music theory, Leonard Pearce turned his passions to film and writing. He lives in upstate NY with his wife Laura and cat Tardi.