As he keeps the Rocky franchise going, Sylvester Stallone is also pumping blood into another one of his series: Rambo. Ever since the 2008 installment, he's...
The summer movie season also means an early glimpse of some of the fall's major films and today one of the first trailers from the season has arrived. The G...
With production getting underway shortly for Christopher Nolan's forthcoming action epic, we now have a confirmed cast and a titled, along with a few more d...
Hardly one to waste an opportunity, James Gray has already lined up his post-Ad Astra (coming this fall! maybe!) picture. Whatever can be said for how that ...
Consider West German cinema and the familiar crop of names will rear its head: Fassbinder, Wenders, Herzog, Schlondorff... and, barring expertise, it's here...
New year, new Star Wars, this time returning to the Skywalker Saga and thus ensuring Disney doesn't have a pants-shitting financial meltdown over their unde...
Not to be confused with Dominga Sotomayor's excellent coming-of-age film Too Late to Die Young arriving at the end of May, Nicolas Winding Refn's crime dram...
The summer movie slate just got a little more compelling. Seven years after his unfairly overlooked thriller Passion, Brian De Palma is finally returning. After...
Featuring "the greatest zombie cast ever disassembled," Jim Jarmusch's zombie comedy The Dead Don't Die will arrive this summer and today Focus Features has...
As history has proven, it's not long after a Coen brothers film arrives that we learn of their project. Following their Netflix anthology film The Ballad of...
After graduating from Hampshire College with a degree in music theory, Leonard Pearce turned his passions to film and writing. He lives in upstate NY with his wife Laura and cat Tardi.