For much of his career, Charlie Kaufman has been an enigma of introspective storytelling, crafting characters and situations that feel all too real to his a...
In perhaps one of the most intriguing cinematic pairings of this year, Michael Shannon and Kevin Spacey have teamed for Elvis & Nixon, an account of one...
While he's certainly known for his comedic side with his Saturday Night Live background and crop of studio comedies, Jason Sudeikis has been making a bit of...
Grossing over $300 million on a $20 million budget back in 2013, The Conjuring led James Wan to take on Furious 7, but now he's back in the realm of horror ...
Considering how his version of The Hobbit never saw the light of day and intriguing projects like At the Mountains of Madness never came to fruition, it was...
With Looper, Edge of Tomorrow, Sicario, and more, Emily Blunt has solidified herself as one of the most sought-after actresses in Hollywood and next fall wi...
With decades of stellar work on their resume, it's somewhat surprising that Al Pacino and Anthony Hopkins never had a chance to collaborate, until now. Misc...
Rounding up the best unproduced screenplays in Hollywood, as voted on by hundreds of film executives, The Black List has been a strong resource to clue one ...
If over eight hours of talks with Quentin Tarantino and cast from The Hateful Eight aren't enough, today we have another that will surely pique your interes...
After graduating from Hampshire College with a degree in music theory, Leonard Pearce turned his passions to film and writing. He lives in upstate NY with his wife Laura and cat Tardi.