The latest film from acclaimed documentarian Steve James, A Compassionate Spy, comes with a fascinating subject: the spy who leaked nuclear information from th...
Desperate Souls, Dark City and the Legend of Midnight Cowboy professes to be something more than just a documentary about the making of Midnight Cowboy: an ext...
A Life on the Farm is centered on the story of Charles Carson, a farmer who made experimental, absurdist home movies in his spare time. This information is imm...
Over the last few years Andrew Ahn has cemented himself as one of the most promising talents in American independent cinema. His first feature, the underrated ...
Fanny Liatard and Jérémy Trouilh's remarkable drama Gagarine is one of the best films of 2022. Centered on Youri, a 17-year-old engineer who is likely on the s...
Following The Film Stage's collective top 50 films of 2021, as part of our year-end coverage, our contributors are sharing their personal top 10 lists.
M. Night Shyamalan’s work is obsessed with the anguish of grief and cosmic feelings of heartbreak. Whether or not they are explicitly about grieving, a sense o...
Pig will be a victim of expectations. While marketed as Nicolas Cage’s equivalent to a darkly comic and surreal John Wick, and though a study of the desire for...
A subject many artists are irrevocably drawn towards, we’ve seen numerous films capture different forms of masculinity over the decades. Recently, Wildlife fo...
A common trend amongst autistic people is the desire to escape, to exist outside of ourselves and transport into another realm. There is this consistent appeal...
Logan Kenny is an autistic, queer film critic who has worked for publications such as The Film Stage, Little White Lies, and Cinematary. Born and raised in Scotland, he loves going to the cinema, playing FIFA, and hanging out with his dog.