One of the major documentary filmmakers to emerge this past decade is the Paris-born Alice Diop, subject of a recent Film at Lincoln Center retrospective and w...
Following her feature documentary Film About a Father Who, director Lynne Sachs has set her sights on a market and playground in Elmhurst, Queens with her new ...
One of the most acclaimed films to premiere at Sundance Film Festival earlier this year is Sara Dosa's Fire of Love, which finds Miranda July narrating the lif...
The long-awaited return of beloved auteurs, new discoveries, decades-in-the-works passion projects, festival winners, and beyond are among June's major offerin...
When it comes to late 2022 releases, we have yet to get even a peek at most of them, but Searchlight Pictures is out of the gate with an early appetizer for on...
Update: Sarah Silverman has joined the cast as Leonard Bernstein's sister, Deadline reports.
After not being seen on screen since 2018 in The Mule and in h...
With a jury led by Vincent Lindon and including Rebecca Hall, Deepika Padukone, Noomi Rapace, Jasmine Trinca, Asghar Farhadi, Lady Ly, Jeff Nichols, and Joachi...
Each week we highlight the noteworthy titles that have recently hit streaming platforms in the United States. Check out this week's selections below and past r...
With a Hamaguchi-like approach to 2022, Claire Denis premiered her stellar, small-scale melodrama Both Sides of the Blade at Berlinale and now debuts a higher-...
From The Shallows to Crawl, the man (or woman, in those cases) vs. beast subgenre of thriller has had a new resurgence. Now, it's Everest and 2 Guns director B...
Jordan Raup is the founder and editor-in-chief of The Film Stage and a Rotten Tomatoes-approved critic. Track his obsessive film-watching on Letterboxd.