Nearly a decade after its debut in competition at the 2014 Cannes Film Festival, where it premiered alongside the likes of Goodbye to Language, Winter Sleep, C...
In case you missed the Super Bowl spot for Christian Petzold's Afire during last night's big game, the first full trailer for the German auteur's new film has ...
Among the major cinematic events of 2023 are new restorations of the pioneering work by legendary New York dancer, choreographer, and filmmaker Yvonne Rainer. ...
One of the most fascinating, ambitious cinematic projects premiering at the Berlin International Film Festival this month comes from Portuguese director João C...
One of the best showcases of international cinema every year, the Museum of the Moving Image's First Look festival is now in its 12th edition and we're pleased...
On the heels of collaborating with David Cronenberg and Olivier Assayas last year, Kristen Stewart has found a new project. It's quite an enticing amalgamation...
Each week we highlight the noteworthy titles that have recently hit streaming platforms in the United States. Check out this week’s selections below and past r...
If 2022 was the year of self-reflexive explorations of harnessing cinematic tools to varying means––the likes of Steven Spielberg, James Gray, Alejandro Gonzál...
Repeating the blissfully perfect, pure ode to pleasure that is Magic Mike XXL would be a fool’s errand, so nearly a decade later––with Steven Soderbergh back i...
The YouTube-to-feature-filmmaking pipeline will only become more common in the years to come as young creators who develop their voice on the platform get scou...
Jordan Raup is the founder and editor-in-chief of The Film Stage and a Rotten Tomatoes-approved critic. Track his obsessive film-watching on Letterboxd.