Far and away the best film to premiere at Sundance Film Festival this year was Raven Jackson's directorial debut All Dirt Roads Taste of Salt. Produced by Barr...
Premiering 30 years ago this year, Chen Kaige's enchanting, Palme d'Or-winning, and Oscar-nominated drama Farewell My Concubine is finally returning in its ori...
While we await for Hollywood to take on a big-budget reimagining of Animorphs, some international filmmakers are providing their own unique take on a kind of a...
A selection at Cannes Director’s Fortnight, Toronto International Film Festival, New Directors/New Films, and Beyond Fest, Youssef Chebbi's supernatural noir A...
Bringing some of the most adventurous filmmaking from around the world to Switzerland, the Locarno Film Festival is now running through next weekend. One of th...
In a city where you can discover a film festival every weekend of the year, perhaps the most unique of such offerings is located in Rockaway, Queens. Taking pl...
Each week we highlight the noteworthy titles that have recently hit streaming platforms in the United States. Check out this week’s selections below and past r...
While the fall movie lineup continues to shift due to studios adamantly deciding not to fairly pay the writers and actors responsible for them being in busines...
A standout among feature-length directorial debuts this year, David Depesseville's Astrakan is one of the most piercing, enigmatic coming-of-age stories, provi...
Emerging as one of the most accomplished Japanese directors of the last decade, Harmonium and A Girl Missing director Kōji Fukada is back with his next feature...
Jordan Raup is the founder and editor-in-chief of The Film Stage and a Rotten Tomatoes-approved critic. Track his obsessive film-watching on Letterboxd.