A sweeping documentary by David Redmon and Ashley Sabin, Kim's Video follows the personal-inquiry, man-on-the-street format from their previous works Mardi Gra...
A formula as old as the movies itself, the House Party concept is essentially a blank slate revolving around the climatic, titular event where the stakes of fr...
Following The Film Stage's collective top 50 films of 2022, as part of our year-end coverage, our contributors are sharing their personal top 10 lists.
A kind of sequel to his short film Haven, which concerned a radical treatment program that offered drug users free medical-grade heroin, Colin Askey’s Love in ...
Already legends in the remote town of Matsapha, Swaziland, country singers Gazi “Dusty” and Linda “Stones” find a warm welcome in the American south when...
A sprawling exploration of a progressive coalition that includes the inner-city-focused Urban League and Latinx-focused UnidosUS, Gumbo Coalition is the latest...
Directed by Marina Zenovich, Jerry Brown: The Disrupter is an entertaining political documentary culling upon extensive archival footage from Brown’s tenure as...
One of the most productive indie filmmakers working today, Robert Machoian has kept busy making features and shorts, sometimes with longtime collaborator Rodri...
Despite the intentions of any director or director of photography, the person with the final say in how a film will look when screened for an audience is the p...
A departure from Cirque du Soleil’s previous theatrical features (2012’s Worlds Away and the 2000 3D IMAX short Journey of a Man), Dawn Porter’s Cirque du Sole...
John Fink is a New York City area-based critic, filmmaker, educator and curator. He currently serves as the Artistic Director of the Buffalo International Film Festival.