A film that may lead to important conversation regarding where the ethical lines are drawn between advancing technology and the extent to which peaceful protest...
So it turns out the key to happiness is Zoloft and a gorgeous women 20 years your senior. At least that's the message in Stefan Sagmeister and Ben Nabors' The H...
A gleeful throwback to a genre that unfortunately jumped the shark years ago, Detour harkens back to the '90s noir that ultimately met its death with one too ma...
A documentary reminiscent of The Big Short on a smaller and less-successful scale, director Ted Braun’s Betting on Zero has a narrow focus and an unlikely hero:...
Shot over a three-year period in Brooklyn, All This Panic offers a frequently disjointed look at the interior lives of several ordinary, middle-class Brooklynit...
Utilizing an engaging mix of newly filmed footage rotoscoped à la Waking Life, archival materials, and interviews, Tower employs a verbatim style to capture the...
A work of documentation, as opposed to a pure documentary, A Space Program offers a vision of what The Martian might look like as directed by the heroes of Mich...
Pleasant enough, if not paper-thin and featherweight, The Perfect Match is a bland picture starring attractive people that never quite seems to connect the dots...
Crude, cruel, and uncalled-for in the best possible way, The Brothers Grimsby, like The Dictator, marks another evolution away from the guerilla theater that pu...
John Fink is a New York City area-based critic, filmmaker, educator and curator. He currently serves as the Artistic Director of the Buffalo International Film Festival.