Bill Nye: Science Guy offers an intimate, behind the bow tie look at the eccentric and flawed star of the public television series he co-created with James McKe...
With a title that sounds a like a rehab facility, Michael Angarano’s Avenues is a spirited, micro-budget indie that recalls the New York City-based work of earl...
Perhaps there’s nothing worse than a film with a campy premise that takes itself too seriously. Everything, Everything takes it title from a spoiler alert its l...
Blame, written, directed, edited, and starring 22-year-old Quinn Shephard, is an impressive debut feature that's confident and assured, yet feels less like a fe...
In Amber Tamblyn’s impressive debut feature Paint It Black, a suicide sets up a tug of war between two unlikely interconnected foes: Josie (Alia Shawkat), a stu...
Long before Dominic Toretto and his crew became globe-trotting superheroes, they might have been the neighbors of the Alvarez family, known as “low-riders” who ...
A dim-witted offering released in time for Mother’s Day, Snatched -- directed by Jonathan Levine from a script by Katie Dippold -- is a low-energy action comedy...
Side-stepping the more explicit aspects of war, the biopic Megan Leavey focuses on the story of a woman who finds a higher calling, though not of a religious va...
The dilemma of a film like Stanley Nelson’s sweeping and emotionally-charged new documentary Tell Them We Are Rising: The Story of Historically Black Colleges a...
Opening in a court room, For Ahkeem finds its protagonist Daje, an African American girl from the inner city of North St. Louis, sentenced to Judge Jimmy Edward...
John Fink is a New York City area-based critic, filmmaker, educator and curator. He currently serves as the Artistic Director of the Buffalo International Film Festival.