Film titles are often viewed as accessories to a movie rather than integral components of the film itself, but in his new video, Evan Puschak of The Nerdwri...
The bracing tension of Rob Connelly’s Edge of Winter hinges on a powerful portrait of a father who compulsively believes his self-worth to be inextricably bound...
Between Midnight Special, Netflix’s Stranger Things, and now Joe Begos’ The Mind’s Eye -- a virtual remake of David Cronenberg’s 1981 film Scanners -- the ’80s ...
Anyone familiar with the works of Hayao Miyazaki knows that Studio Ghibli’s films are marked by painstaking visual detail. From the sight of wind rustling e...
It’s no news that machines are getting smarter by the year, but, even then, there are still things that are assumed to be achieved exclusively through human...
The cinema of Terrence Malick presents a unique challenge to viewers because it tends to eschew straightforward storytelling in favor of impressionistic med...
At this year's TCM Classic Film Festival, Francis Ford Coppola sat down with host Ben Mankiewicz for an extensive discussion about the director's film from ...