With his brothers already well-experienced in the feature film field, Nicholas Jarecki debuted his first film at Sundance this year to a strong response. Ar...
Blue Sky Studios have found much success with their Ice Age series, as another iteration is coming next month. But when it comes to original properties, the...
Seemingly in the minority, one of our least favorite films coming out of Sundance was the drama Robot & Frank, which gives Frank Langella a lead role al...
Often times studios will acquire foreign film and festival titles only to do absolutely nothing with them. We feared one such case was with The Weinstein Co...
It was only a matter of time before someone budged on the weekend of August 3rd. Sony Pictures has their Colin Farrell-led remake of Total Recall, while Uni...
For Andy Samberg, Hollywood hasn't been as kind to the SNL actor as some of his other co-stars, most recently Kristin Wiig. Aside from leading the hilarious...
There wasn't a snowball's chance in hell that the one trailer for the upcoming dark Klown would be the subversive red band one. As expected, Drafthouse Film...
This October, Liam Neeson is returning to do what he does best: retrieving taken people, violently. For Taken 2, Colombiana‘s Olivier Megaton takes over dir...
Despite having completed three films (and currently shooting his fourth) since his Hara-Kiri: Death of a Samurai, the prolific Takashi Miike (13 Assassins) ...
After debuting to strong word at Sundance, FilmDistrict recently released the time-travel indie film Safety Not Guaranteed to limited theaters and now the f...