Before we get a trailer, Paramount Pictures is giving us a taste of their upcoming fall comedy The Guilt Trip in the form a clip. Directed by The Proposal h...
After a few rough career choices with The Paperboy and especially Trespass, it doesn't look like it will be long before Nicole Kidman gets back on her feet....
It's a call for celebration among film fans, as cameras have rolled on the next film from Anton Corbijn, who gave us the stunning Control and The American. ...
Wes Anderson has made seven films and Bill Murray has had a role in his last six. Doing simple math, one can conclude that the actor/director team will not ...
With Hollywood finding little luck when it comes to churning videogames into feature films, a new upcoming project sees them go way back into the vault. Ori...
If last week's red band look at the upcoming comedy Nature Calls was a touch too obscene, this theatrical trailer will likely not suffice, considering it si...
We have yet to even see his first collaboration with the director, but Incendies helmer Denis Villeneuve and his star Jake Gyllenhaal must have hit it off w...
Last fall we got our first look at Ryan Gosling and Rooney Mara gallivanting with Terrence Malick on what was later found out to be just a test shoot on his...
We've got two new one-sheets for a pair of December's biggest films, both featuring iconic characters. Giving a nod to its original famous artwork, Universa...
With director James Mangold deep into production on his superhero blockbuster The Wolverine, 20th Century Fox have sent over the first official still from t...