There was bound to be fallout after Jason Bourne ran amok avenging his girlfriend's death and shutting down the government agencies that turned him into a cold-...
“Don’t Judge a Book by Its Cover” is a proverb whose simple existence proves the fact impressionable souls will do so without fail. This monthly column focuse...
Chinese artist/activist/dissident Ai Weiwei—a man deeply entrenched with the social media scene so his voice can be heard around the world—acts by responding to...
With "Klovn's" television run finishing in 2009 after six seasons, celebrated Danish comedians Frank Hvam and Casper Christensen decided on a big screen transit...
As the years progress and his workload diminishes, director Rob Reiner has chosen to spend his time bringing what he calls "life-affirming material" to the big ...
Who's crueler: a vicious Mexican cartel who decapitate men to send a message, or a couple of Laguna boys trying -- and willing to do whatever it takes -- to pro...
Sometimes foreign language films simply exist across an insurmountable cultural divide that renders them indecipherable here. Hitoshi Matsumoto's Saya-zamurai ...
Set against President Tae-woo Roh's 1990 crackdown on organized crime in South Korea, Bumchoiwaui junjaeng places us into the wild life of a former Busan custo...
“Don’t Judge a Book by Its Cover” is a proverb whose simple existence proves the fact impressionable souls will do so without fail. This monthly column focuse...
If you looked at the trailers for Seth MacFarlane's Ted and thought it would be a full-length, live action riff on his popular animated television show "Family ...