Long past the days of the booming Hammer Horror industry, the contemporary British genre cinema, while still able to churn out the occasional 28 Days Later or A...
With the mission statement of setting out to make something akin to Jean-Luc Godard’s '60s work, De Palma’s third feature, Greetings, still feels surprisingly his own....
Take your pick in categorizing The Idol: either “based on a true story” or “inspired by true events," perhaps the binary being alluded to of prose versus poetry...
Containing a number in its title, yet blissfully not chained to franchise requirements -- a decade-long gap between installments perhaps being the first clue as...
If, within art cinema, there comes the instant gravitation to less the film than the name -- the all-powerful auteur that supposedly doesn’t have to bow down to...
It’s easy to map out the Dennis Hopper trajectory: mid-50’s/ -60’s classical Hollywood bit player to '70s weirdo maverick to '90s Hollywood-blockbuster villain ...