We discuss Lynch's take on fan fulfillment, Diane's monologue, the return of Cooper, Audrey Horne's reality, the appearance of Edward Louis Severson, and what we expect in the final two hours....
We talk the latest hour of Twin Peaks: The Return, including Ed and Norma's resolution, Jeffries' new state, Cooper/Dougie hearing Gordon Cole's name and reacting, a touching send-off for The Log Lady, and more....
The true highlight of Toronto International Film Festival every year is the Wavelengths program, an expertly curated selection of the most boundary-pushing cinema from around the world....
We discuss how popular culture seeping into this world, a "Monica Bellucci dream," David Lynch's commentary on the TV recap, and what exactly went down with Sarah Palmer....
We discuss Anthony Sinclair's foiled murder attempt, a heated face-off featuring Cooper's doppelgänger, Big Ed's loneliness, a performance from James, and much more....
We talk Becky's gun-equipped rampage, Gordon Cole and company's portal-opening trip, Dougie's peculiar encounter with the Mitchum brothers, and more....
We talk about the narrative-heavy episode, which also makes room for Gordon and Diana to share a cigarette, and our expectations for the second half of the season....