Having not read the books or seen the first film adaptation, Fifty Shades Darker was my introduction to the mega-popular romance series. What struck me more tha...
Three years after emerging as the break-out character of the break-out hit The LEGO Movie, the egotistical, comically brooding, rap-freestyling LEGO iteration o...
Swiss Consul General Emil Wyss has the complaisant good cheer one would expect of a diplomat. At a press conference in his Los Angeles home, he notes that t...
The Founder has a mesmerizing sequence wherein a pair of restauranteurs train their staff in proper kitchen procedure by having them run through it repeatedly o...
You’re likely unfamiliar with the Bre-X mining scandal of the 1990s. Gold is counting on that. Like A Beautiful Mind, it’s built itself wholly around a big twis...
The title announces the intent. In recent years, it’s become a trend in pop science and history literature to revisit well-known events from the perspective of ...
Star Wars is an expansive universe which ever expands further, slowing down not for a moment to make up for the ground lost by tossing out the Expanded Universe...