The Book of Henry is notable only as a new addition to a canon of films that are bizarre in an extraordinarily specific way. These are the mainstream movies, th...
Like an extended episode of Black Mirror but without a dark sense of humor or bleak horror, The Circle wails about how technology is affecting society with litt...
If Sion Sono directed the “Pick a fight with a stranger” sequence from Fight Club without any fantastical flourish, it’d come out something like Destruction Bab...
Independent films about inveterate fuckups are nearly pervasive enough to count as some sort of disease, but Dark Skull is less concerned with presenting its vi...
Falconry is a proud tradition, millennia old, that is part of the common heritage of many cultures spanning multiple continents. The practice was originally dev...
How is it that this new live-action Ghost in the Shell has more dialogue than the anime it’s remaking but says so much less? How is it that this 2017 film’s CGI...
A horror movie. A nature documentary. An anthropological study. A history lesson. A social justice statement. All plus more. Rat Film is one of the most origina...
Manifesto starts with a dictionary definition of its title, and pulls off the considerable feat of not being terrible after doing so. Still, I feel confident th...