The Conjuring series has developed into probably the apex of contemporary popular horror cinema, about as skillfully made as one can expect a thematically uncha...
In 1964, 28-year-old Kitty Genovese was raped and murdered outside her apartment building in New York City. The New York Times made her a focus of national fasc...
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles originated in 1984 as a self-published comic book by two guys in New Hampshire, intended as a one-off parody of Cerebus, New Mutant...
The central plot mechanism of Alice Through the Looking Glass is an actual mechanism, a doodad of whirling steampunk metal and glowy CGI called the Chronosphere...
It’s been over 40 years since Chinatown, and roughly the same amount of time separates the events of that film from those of The Nice Guys, another tale of a pr...
If one of the ‘90s Adam Sandler movies had a weird May-December romance with a ‘00s Apatow production, the ungainly, misshapen, sterile hybrid that is The Boss ...
There are endless canards about how grief dissolves all human rationality, and no small number of real-life examples of apparently inexplicable behavior to back...
There’s one point late in My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 that stands out -- nay, is almost stunning -- for actually being underplayed. Ian (John Corbett), in the mi...
For micro-budgeted indie dramas, the story of the addiction-riddled black sheep coming home for a family gathering has become as well-worn as the biopic for Osc...
Forget the Cloverfield connection. The actors who were in this film didn’t even know what the title was until moments before the first trailer dropped. Producer...