When a filmmaker decides to tackle a story like Bombshell—which is set in the right-wing environs of Fox News—it helps to have a director who grew up in a cons...
Following our top 50 films of 2019, we're sharing personal top 10 lists from our contributors. Check out the latest below and see our complete year-end coverag...
Though it now seems like the pipedream of a bygone era, there was once a precious time in the not-too-distant rearview mirror of American politics when politic...
Choi and Park—who like Ki-woo and Ki-jung, have an intimate understanding of what it’s like to take rejection with a grain of salt in a competitive labor market—reflect on how they became involved in Parasite....
At just 28 years old, Balagov is a wunderkind whose talent and accomplishments dwarf his humble age. We pick his brain on his collaborative process and cinematic influences, and what it was like to work with such a poised and talented toddler....