
Thanks to Engadget we have now learned that Apple is planning to launch a subscription service via iTunes that would allow people to watch any episode of any show they want at any time. The service would cost $30 a month and be available for all shows from participating networks. The service will be similar to how Netflix currently works TV show streaming. You won’t be able to own the show but you will be able to watch it any time you want. The thing that will push iTunes service over Netflix will be the fact that you can transfer shows to your iPod for on the go viewing. So far no networks have signed on but that is expected to change.

I think this is something people have been waiting for a long time. I know many college students who don’t live on campus and who don’t have cable TV. This service could be something they would take full advantage of. Especially since most people hook their computer up to their TV’s anyway, this service could very well over take standard cable service. The only next logical step would be for Apple to start offering streaming movies on a subscrition basis. It is clear that they want to start creeping in on Netflix’s territory. With many saying the the age of physical media is coming to an end this seems all to likely a scenario. Especially since iTunes does offer films for rent in HD is seems very possible and most of technical grunt work is already completed anyway. It all comes down to studios signing on to the idea. After that don’t be surprised to see live streaming television over iTunes (which is well within the realm of capability).

Would you replace cable with this? What does it mean for film digital distribution?

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