The latest news on the casting situation for X-Men: First Class is that Kick-Ass star Aaron Johnson has been cast as Cyclops. /Film says that this was a rumor started a few months ago and it looks like it will turn out to be true. Apparently Johnson was seen taking meetings with director Matthew Vaughan earlier this year. That’s when the speculation began.

Apparently, a tipster told Ain’t It Cool that Vaughan has cast Johnson in the role. He says that:

“this is one hundred percent locked at this point.”

Whether the tipster is correct or not remains to be seen but at this point I have no reason not to believe it. Johnson broke out in the hit film Kick-Ass and his most recent film is Nowhere Boy in which he plays John Lennon. I personally think he’s a bit overrated as an actor. Everyone made a big deal out of him after Kick-Ass and while the film was good I didn’t think Johnson himself was so great.

As for the film in question, X-Men: First Class, the casting isn’t quite what I wanted to see but there are a few solid choices such as McAvoy and Fassbender. We’ll have to see how this one turns out. I’m thinking it won’t be better than the original X-Men films though.

Would you like to see Aaron Johnson as Cyclops?

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