Every year the Oscars take place, and every year some of the best (usually more than just some) are ignored by the Academy. Blame it on bureaucracy. Here are 5 people who deserve Oscar consideration but will be doomed to their television sets come the big night.

5. Australia – Hugh Jackman, Best Actor

Perhaps the most under-appreciated performance of the year, Jackman delivers an extroverted performance that rivals those of Clark Gable and Jimmy Stewart, or even James Cagney. The Australian actor is theater-trained, and Australia is the perfect film (and Baz Luhrmann the perfect director) to showcase those qualities.

4. The Fall – Colin Watkinson, Best Cinematography

Every frame of this magical fairy-tale is a work of art. It’s too bad the story isn’t as consistent as the exquisite vision we are able to behold. Watkinson isn’t afraid to bring out wild colors and meticulously crafted composition.

3. Valkyrie – John Ottman, Best Editing

The editing in this film was the best part of it, far and away. It was slow and brooding during the conspiring of the assassination plot and fast and razor-sharp during the execution. Ottman deserved a better film to showcase his ability.

2. Wall-E – Andrew Stanton, Best Director

Stanton has an eye for the frame, even if that frame only exists in a virtual, animated world. The use of large-scaled tracking shots and setting in general, the clearest example being the color contrast between Earth and the spaceship, work to literally create another world.

1. Snow Angels – Kate Beckinsale, Best Actress

There was a time when Kate Beckinsale only made blockbusters full of popcorn, like Pearl Harbor and Underworld. Even Click. Not only has that time passed, but Beckinsale has grown as an actress accordingly. Her performance as a working single mom with poetically imperfect morals is something to behold.

Check back soon for 5 Oscar Nominations That Will Happen, But Shouldn’t.

What are some of your deserved nominations that won’t happen?

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